Boxe subwoofere - Subwoofere

Subwoofer Jamo S 808 SUB

Subwoofer Jamo S 808 SUB

The new Jamo Studio 8 series has been completely reimagined to live seamlessly in modern, premium environments. Contemporary material and finish choices accentuate the clean, minimalist lines of this European design, while the compact cabinet designs are an ideal solution for urban living environments around the world Contemporary Design 8 polyfiber woofer 100W bottom mounted class D amplifier Ultra slim cabinet Bass reflex via slot port TRUE CINEMA LOW FREQUENCIES Equipped with a 8 polyfiber wo

Subwoofer Focal SUB 600 P

Subwoofer Focal SUB 600 P

Proiectat de inginerii Focal pentru auditii Hi-Fi si uz Home Cinema, subwoofer-ul Sub 600P completeaza sistemul audio prin livrarea unui bas profund, controlat si de impact. Alaturi de sistemul dvs. Home Cinema, puterea sa ofera o imersiune mai senzationala, mai realista. Amplificatorul de 600W Clasa D alimenteaza un driver Polyflex de 30cm, un con mai greu, mai rigid. Design-ul inchis permite evitarea oricarui zgomot, reproducand semnalul sunetului original cat mai autentic posibil. In cele din urma, c

Subwoofer activ Wilson SUB-10

Subwoofer activ Wilson SUB-10

Wooferul descris de la Wilson este un model activ. Dispune de un sistem Bass Reflex, astfel incat vocea este amplificata, ramanand in acelasi timp naturala. Astfel, nu trebuie sa va faceti griji cu privire la distorsiunea care poate afecta negativ experienta de ascultare a muzicii. Folosind SUB-10, ca o completare a sistemului home cinema, puteti fi siguri ca sunetul va fi dinamic, iar efectele sonore ii vor incanta chiar si pe cei mai pretentiosi. Wooferul activ oferit nu este doar durabil si functional

Subwoofer Q Acoustics QB12

Subwoofer Q Acoustics QB12

Prezentare generala Subwoofer Q Acoustics QB12 Sumar Q B12 este primul subwoofer Q Acoustics ce dispune de un driver de 12 . Driver-ul mare long-throw este alimentat de un amplificator Clasa D ultra low-distortion de 220W pentru un raspuns puternic al basului, si dispune de o bobina de 50mm pentru o compresie termica minima. Precum gamele 3000i si Concept de boxe stereo si centru, Q B12 este conceput sa reproduca momentele de actiune Holywoodiene la fel ca instrumentele de bas. Caracteristici cheie:

Subwoofer Dali Sub P-10 Dss

Subwoofer Dali Sub P-10 Dss

PERFECT PLACEMENT Maximising the bass output and distribution around the room Placing a subwoofer is a large part of creating the perfect audio reproduction. To maximise the bass output and distribution around the room, we recommend placing the SUB P-10 DSS in a corner or, if that 39;s not possible, along a wall. The design, technology and construction make it a great match for mid and high-end stereo and home theatre systems featuring speakers from our EPICON or RUBICON series. ACTIVE WOOFER A rigid

Subwoofer Dali Sub M-10 D

Subwoofer Dali Sub M-10 D

PERFECT PLACEMENT Maximising the bass output and distribution around the room Placing a subwoofer is a large part of creating the perfect audio reproduction. To maximise the bass output and distribution around the room, we recommend placing the SUB M-10 D in a corner or, if that 39;s not possible, along a wall. The design, technology and construction make it a great match for mid and high-end stereo and home theatre systems featuring speakers from our EPICON or RUBICON series. ACTIVE WOOFER A rigid co

Subwoofer KEF KC62

Subwoofer KEF KC62

Prezentare generala Subwoofer KEF KC62 KC62 este un subwoofer incredibil de compact ce livreaza puterea si magia unui bas profund, precis, oferind o experienta imersiva pentru muzica, filme si gaming. Creat utilizand ingineria inovativa KEF, inclusiv tehnologia revolutionara Uni-Core , KC62 dispune de doua unitati driver de 6.5 alimentate de un amplificator special conceput clasa D de 1000W RMS. Nu va lasati pacalit de dimensiuni Basul profund si puternic nu mai este conditionat de subwoofere masive.

Subwoofer KEF KF92

Subwoofer KEF KF92

Prezentare generala Subwoofer KEF KF92 Pentru a reproduce basul solid, aveti nevoie de tip de difuzor complet diferit, unul ce poate face fata nivelurilor uriase de presiune. KF92 este proiectat pentru explozii de energie ale frecventelor joase, desi este suficient de subtil pentru a prelua detaliile unui contrabas. Echilibrul perfect Doua difuzoare de 9 sunt pozitionate spate in spate intr-un design force-cancelling ce anuleaza fortele reactive ce solicita subwooferele conventionale. Aceasta con

Subwoofer KEF Reference 8b

Subwoofer KEF Reference 8b

Livrand un control si o precizie exceptionala a basului cu zero distorsiuni, Reference 8b este un subwoofer extraordinar Pentru o putere precisa, subwoofer-ul Reference 8b dispune de doua amplificatoare Clasa D de 500W, fiecare conducand un driver cu distorsiuni foarte reduse si cursa extinsa de 9 (228mm). Acestea sunt conectate spate in spate intr-o incinta rigida si inerta din punct de vedere acustic. Rezultatul este un bas cu distorsiuni reduse, si cu un sunet rotund, cu greutate.

Subwoofer Dali Sub K-14 F

Subwoofer Dali Sub K-14 F

PERFECT PLACEMENT Maximise the bass output and distribution around the room Placing a subwoofer is a large part of creating the perfect audio reproduction. To maximise the bass output and distribution around the room, we recommend placing the SUB K-14 F in a corner or, if that 39;s not possible, along a wall. The subwoofer s relatively compact size makes placing it correctly much easier than many larger subwoofers. For best results, we recommend pairing the SUB K-14 F with the RUBICON (C), OPTICON MK2 a

Subwoofer Dali Sub E-12 F

Subwoofer Dali Sub E-12 F

PERFECT PLACEMENT Maximising bass output and distribution around the room Placing a subwoofer is a large part of creating the perfect audio reproduction. To maximise bass output and distribution around the room, we recommend placing the SUB E-12 F in a corner or, if that 39;s not possible, along a wall. The relatively compact size of the subwoofer makes for flexible placement, compared with larger subwoofers, and is a great match for our OPTICON MK2, FAZON, OBERON and SPEKTOR series speakers. 12 ALUM

Subwoofer Dali Sub E-9 F

Subwoofer Dali Sub E-9 F

PERFECT PLACEMENT Maximising bass output and distribution around the room Placing a subwoofer is a large part of creating the perfect audio reproduction. To maximise bass output and distribution around the room, we recommend placing the SUB E-9 F in a corner or, if that 39;s not possible, along a wall. The relatively compact size of the subwoofer makes for flexible placement, compared with larger subwoofers, and is a great match for our OBERON, FAZON and SPEKTOR series speakers. 9 ALUMINIUM WOOFER K

Subwoofer Dali Sub C-8 D

Subwoofer Dali Sub C-8 D

PERFECT PLACEMENT Maximising bass output and distribution around the room Placing a subwoofer is a large part of creating the perfect audio reproduction. To maximise bass output and distribution around the room, we recommend placing the SUB C-8 D F in a corner or, if that 39;s not possible, along a wall. The SUB C-8 D 39;s compact size also makes it much easier to position than many larger subwoofers, and it 39;s a great match for our OBERON and SPEKTOR series. UNIVERSAL INTEGRATION Seamless integrati

Subwoofer activ Tibo Harmony SUB 6

Subwoofer activ Tibo Harmony SUB 6

p style text-align: center; img alt class img-editor org_title src https: domains files files descriere-subwoofer-harmony-sub68-tibo-1-2421.jpg style width: 1000px; height: 1000px; title p

Subwoofer activ Tibo Harmony SUB 8

Subwoofer activ Tibo Harmony SUB 8

p style text-align: center; img alt class img-editor org_title src https: domains files files descriere-subwoofer-harmony-sub68-tibo-1-5545.jpg style width: 1000px; height: 1000px; title p
