Noul port Twisted Flare contribuie la un bas clar si strans Advanced YST II (Yamaha Active Servo Technology II) Woofer conic de 20 cm (8 ) Un plus elegant pentru orice camera
Noul port Twisted Flare contribuie la un bas clar si strans Advanced YST II (Yamaha Active Servo Technology II) Woofer conic de 25 cm (10 ) Un plus elegant pentru orice camera
New Twisted Flare Port Produces Clear and Tight Bass The all-new Twisted Flare Port takes advantage of extensive subwoofer development experience. The flared, gently twisting shape diffuses the vortex of air generated around the edge of the port, creating a smooth flow of air. This reduces extraneous noise not present in the original input signal and provides clear, accurate low frequency reproduction. From special effect sounds in movies to the atmosphere of a live venue, you hear bass that is clear, ti
Welcome to the family Yamaha offer the ultimate choice in sound to suit your lifestyle. Whether you prefer Home Theatre or sleek stereo sound, peruse the MusicCast catalogue for your perfect speaker partner. Time for turbulence When you want to feel every moment with your sound as your favourite musician s drum kit thumps into your living room floor to that addictive action movie explosion vibrating through your bones Yamaha delivers real sound as it was meant to be heard. Born to be free With Wi-
CABINET A subwoofer cabinet design and built-quality is one of the most critical elements influencing sound performance. We have developed TLIE (Taga Low Interference Enclosures) cabinets to increase stiffness and limit any unwanted resonances of the enclosure. The TLIE cabinets are built with high density and quality MDF boards and stand on solid feet which provide good isolation from the floor. The beveled edges not only look modern and eye-catching but also play a significant role in lowering unwa
CABINETS Subwoofer cabinet design and built-quality is one of the most critical elements influencing sound performance. We have developed TLIE (Taga Low Interference Enclosures) cabinets to increase stiffness and limit any unwanted resonances of the enclosure. The TLIE cabinets are built with high density and quality MDF boards and stand on solid feet which provide good isolation from the floor. The beveled top side edges not only look modern and eye-catching but also play a significant role in loweri
O pereche de subwoofere stereo LS1s se integreaza perfect cu LS1 sau LS1a. Crossover-ul sau corectat de faza la 70 Hz este deja construit in LS1, asa ca doar adaugarea sub-urilor transforma sistemul intr-un sistem unic cu trei cai coerent de faza. Desi LS1 singur poate reda pana la 40 Hz cu o putere destul de impresionanta, octava de jos pana la 20 Hz este greu de produs cu un sistem de difuzoare cu doua cai. In special muzica clasica beneficiaza de o reproducere echilibrata a acestor frecvente ultra joa
SB1 este o minune tehnologica. Prin aplicarea Digital Motional Feedback , o tehnologie de control din renumita industrie olandeza de inalta tehnologie, a devenit posibil sa se obtina niveluri exceptional de scazute de distorsiune si un control dinamic complet. Cu un SB1 adaugat pentru frecventele joase, sistemul LS1 ofera o distorsiune scazuta pe intreaga banda audio si redefineste termenul de transparenta . Acesta este controlul basului, asa cum nu ati mai experimentat pana acum. Digital Motional Feed
Prezentare generala Subwoofer Sennheiser Ambeo Sub O experienta de sunet captivanta, cu un bas de neegalat Basul extrem de profund este alimentat de tehnologia de virtualizare -AMBEO-, care ofera cel mai natural si mai captivant sunet pe care l-ati experimentat vreodata. In timp ce un woofer patentat de 8 inchi de ultima generatie, asociat cu un amplificator de 350 W de clasa D, garanteaza un bas de neegalat pana la 27 Hz. Conexiune wireless Tehnologia de ultima ora multi-sub array va permite sa conec
Subwooferul wireless pentru bas profund Auziti si simtiti diferenta cand conectati Sub la sistemul Sonos. Doar bas, fara distorsiuni Difuzoarele din centrul subwooferului elimina vibratiile si zgomotul, astfel incat sa obtii bas puternic fara nicio distorsiune. Sub preia cele mai joase frecvente, imbunatatind redarea de nivel mediu de la boxele imperecheate, astfel incat sa experimentati un sunet mai complet si mai detaliat. Facut sa fie auzit si vazut Designul premiat si versatil prezinta o forma sc
Panoul Magneplanar Bass Panel (DWM) este un panou de bass magnetic planar cu dipol, cu pelicula subtire. Este vorba de doua drivere de bass intr-un singur panou. Doua grile voice coil conduc o diafragma de bass. Panoul de bass reprezinta, in esenta, o sectiune mica din driverele de bass 20.7. Dar, va rugam sa nu-i spuneti subwoofer . Subwooferele sunt o categorie separata de woofere. Subwooferele sunt destinate pentru frecvente sub 40 Hz si sunt cunoscute ca fiind lente si noroioase atu
Basul este fundamentul muzicii. Este elementul care te face sa simti ritmul, groove-ul si emotia unei melodii. Basul poate face inima sa bata mai repede, corpul sa se miste si starea de spirit sa se schimbe. Indiferent daca ascultati muzica rock, pop, hip hop, jazz sau clasica, basul curat si extins adauga o noua dimensiune placerii muzicale si de aceea Ruark Audio a dezvoltat noul subwoofer RS1. Calitatea muzicii este in centrul design-urilor Ruark. RS1 nu este despre un bas tunator, exagerat, ci despre
10 front-firing, high-excursion, light weight paper cone woofer large 2 voice coil HEX (High Excursion) surround geometry for accurate, low-distortion bass, even at high volumes high-efficiency built-in BASH amplifier 250 watts RMS (500 watts peak) frequency response: 24-150 Hz (In-Room) maximum acoustic output: 107dB 16.4kg
12 front-firing, high-excursion, light weight paper cone woofer large 2 voice coil HEX (High Excursion) surround geometry for accurate, low-distortion bass, even at high volumes high-efficiency built-in BASH amplifier 350 watts RMS (700 watts peak) frequency response: 21-150 Hz (In-Room) maximum acoustic output: 108dB 21.8kg Continut pachet: Subwoofer alimentat Grila Cablu de alimentare AC de 8 39; 4 tepi 4 nuci Unitate USB (cu actualizare de firmware) Ghid de initiere rapida Manualul
Caracteristici principale 15 front-firing, high-excursion, light weight paper cone woofer large 2 voice coil HEX (High Excursion) surround geometry for accurate, low-distortion bass, even at high volumes high-efficiency built-in BASH amplifier 500 watts RMS (1,000 watts peak) frequency response: 16-150 Hz (In-Room) maximum acoustic output: 115dB 25.9kg Continut pachet: Subwoofer alimentat Grila Cablu de alimentare AC de 8 39; 4 tepi 4 nuci Unitate USB (cu actualizare de firmware) Ghid