Sound details The Slatefiber cone Exclusive to Focal and made in France, Slatefiber technology involves the use of recycled, non-woven carbon fibres applied as a filling sandwiched between two layers of thermoplastic polymer. In their quest for perfection, Focal engineers have opted to use non-woven carbon fibres and to arrange them in the same direction to achieve even greater rigidity, better damping but also lightness - the three essentials of a great speaker driver. Outstanding treble The M -shaped inverted dome TAM tweeter Also made in France in the Focal workshops, this tweeter comprises an inverted dome cone made from an Aluminium Magnesium alloy and moulded into the famous M shape - a Focal exclusive. This profile lends it greater rigidity, reducing distortion, with a wider diffusion angle. It delivers an even finer treble.
Stand dedicat pentru Theva si Vestia Center Difuzorul este fixat pe baza pentru a preveni vibratiile si a asigura o stabilitate optima Spike-uri si picioare incluse Design in armonie cu intreaga linie Theva si Vestia
Suportul Vestia Center a fost proiectat special pentru a ridica si a prezenta acest difuzor Home Cinema central. Difuzorul este fixat de baza folosind un sistem cu suruburi care garanteaza stabilitatea produsului si previne orice vibratie, pentru si mai multa placere de ascultare.
Stand dedicat pentru boxa centrala Focal Viva Center Utopia Colour Evo
Difuzor central Aria Evo X Center este o boxa centrala cu 2 cai. Se imbina perfect cu boxele de podea din aceeasi gama, pentru o configuratie optima de home cinema. La proiectarea difuzorului central, s-a acordat o atentie deosebita ajustarii timbrelor pentru a garanta uniformitatea si coerenta sonora in toate configuratiile. Este recomandata pentru incaperi cu o suprafata de 20 m² (215 ft²), cu o distanta de ascultare de 3 metri (10 picioare).
Cu o inaltime de 55 cm, suporturile Vestia N 1 sunt proiectate special pentru a ridica si a imbunatati difuzoarele de inalta fidelitate Vestia N 1. Difuzorul este fixat pe suport cu ajutorul unui sistem de suruburi care garanteaza stabilitatea sistemului. In plus, suporturile sunt inclinate pentru Time Alignment, ceea ce ofera un sunet optim, mai concentrat pe ascultator.
Iconic K2 Power cone The Aria K2 loudspeakers make for convincing listening thanks to the K2 Power sandwich cone incorporated into their speaker drivers. Made in France at the Focal workshops, this iconic yellow aramid fibre cone guarantees sound that is pure, dynamic and precise. Ash Grey finish The Aria K2 products exude refined, modern style. The side panels have been given Focal s exclusive high-end Ash Grey finish, whilst the front panels have a sophisticated leather effect. An all-round installa
Stand dedicat pentru Theva N 1 si Vestia N 1 Difuzorul este fixat pe baza pentru a preveni vibratiile si a asigura o stabilitate optima Spite si picioare incluse Design in armonie cu intreaga linie Theva si Vestia
Sound details The Slatefiber cone Slatefiber technology, exclusive to Focal, involves the use of recycled, non-woven carbon fibres applied as a sandwich between two layers of thermoplastic polymer. In their quest for perfection, Focal engineers have opted to use non-woven carbon fibres, all pointing in the same direction to achieve even greater rigidity, better damping but also lightness - the three essentials of a speaker driver. The Slatefiber cone is made in France in the Focal workshops. Outstand
Sound details The Slatefiber cone Slatefiber technology, exclusive to Focal, involves the use of recycled, non-woven carbon fibres applied as a sandwich between two layers of thermoplastic polymer. In their quest for perfection, Focal engineers have opted to use non-woven carbon fibres, all pointing in the same direction to achieve even greater rigidity, better damping but also lightness - the three essentials of a speaker driver. The Slatefiber cone is made in France in the Focal workshops. Outstand
Sound details The Slatefiber cone Exclusive to Focal and made in France, Slatefiber technology involves the use of recycled, non-woven carbon fibres applied as a filling sandwiched between two layers of thermoplastic polymer. In their quest for perfection, Focal engineers have opted to use non-woven carbon fibres and to arrange them in the same direction to achieve even greater rigidity, better damping but also lightness - the three essentials of a great speaker driver. Outstanding treble The M -sh
Sound details The Slatefiber cone Exclusive to Focal and made in France, Slatefiber technology involves the use of recycled, non-woven carbon fibres applied as a filling sandwiched between two layers of thermoplastic polymer. In their quest for perfection, Focal engineers have opted to use non-woven carbon fibres and to arrange them in the same direction to achieve even greater rigidity, better damping but also lightness - the three essentials of a great speaker driver. Outstanding treble The M -sh
Kanta Center este o modalitate excelenta de a completa un sistem multicanal din aceasta serie. Acesta ofera exact acelasi nivel de performanta atat la volume mici, cat si la volume foarte mari. Prin urmare, este complementul perfect atunci cand este combinat cu boxele de podea Kanta N 1 sau cu boxele de raft, indiferent de configuratia frontala si posterioara. Claritatea extrema a registrului mediu superior si echilibrul sau tonal il fac o arma puternica in orice configuratie home theatre. Fanii filmelor
Boxa surround Focal Viva LR Utopia Colour Evo Descoperiti Viva Utopia Colour Evo, o boxa audiofila cu trei cai, proiectata pentru cele mai sofisticate configuratii multicanal. Fie pe verticala (Viva Utopia), fie pe orizontala (Viva Center Utopia), atat in configuratii home theater, cat si in configuratii stereo, este intotdeauna puternic. Viva Utopia Colour Evo, care face parte din seria Utopia III Evo, se mandreste cu multe puncte forte: claritate extrema a mediilor, eficienta si putere de iesire ridic
Botezate dupa o strada importanta din Cambridge, boxa centru KLH Story face ceea ce orice boxa de centru ar trebui sa faca, aduce in sistemul tau surround vocea. Mare parte din dialogurile din filme sunt emise de boxa centrala asa ca este o piesa importanta pentru un sistem audio home theatre de calitate. Orice film spune o poveste iar boxa centru KLH Story o aduce la viata chiar in sufrageria ta. Din punct de vedere timbral toate boxele din gama KLH, excluzand Model Five, sunt echilibrate oferindu-va ast
REFINED LOUDSPEAKERS Sophisticated finishes Available in sleek and elegant Black, Dark Wood, and Light Wood finishes. The wood effect on the side panels lends a warm feel. The line is at home in both classic and modern interiors, combining beautifully with different styles of furniture and other materials such as metal, concrete, stone, and more. The black finish offers a timeless, sophisticated tone, bringing charm and character to any room. The enclosures have been revamped and are even more compact,