Boxe de podea Focal Vestia N  2

Boxe de podea Focal Vestia N 2

Sound details The Slatefiber cone Exclusive to Focal and made in France, Slatefiber technology involves the use of recycled, non-woven carbon fibres applied as a filling sandwiched between two layers of thermoplastic polymer. In their quest for perfection, Focal engineers have opted to use non-woven carbon fibres and to arrange them in the same direction to achieve even greater rigidity, better damping but also lightness - the three essentials of a great speaker driver. Outstanding treble The M -shaped inverted dome TAM tweeter Also made in France in the Focal workshops, this tweeter comprises an inverted dome cone made from an Aluminium Magnesium alloy and moulded into the famous M shape - a Focal exclusive. This profile lends it greater rigidity, reducing distortion, with a wider diffusion angle. It delivers an even finer treble. An encompassing bass Vents The Vestia loudspeakers feature a vent towards the front for more frontal impact, in addition to one at the back for an encompassing bass: a bass-reflex profile which enhances the depth of the soundstage.

Boxe de podea Focal Vestia N  4

Boxe de podea Focal Vestia N 4

Sound details The Slatefiber cone Slatefiber technology, exclusive to Focal, involves the use of recycled, non-woven carbon fibres applied as a sandwich between two layers of thermoplastic polymer. In their quest for perfection, Focal engineers have opted to use non-woven carbon fibres, all pointing in the same direction to achieve even greater rigidity, better damping but also lightness - the three essentials of a speaker driver. The Slatefiber cone is made in France in the Focal workshops. Outstand

Standuri boxe Focal Theva N  1 Stand

Standuri boxe Focal Theva N 1 Stand

Stand dedicat pentru Theva N 1 si Vestia N 1 Difuzorul este fixat pe baza pentru a preveni vibratiile si a asigura o stabilitate optima Spite si picioare incluse Design in armonie cu intreaga linie Theva si Vestia

Boxe de podea Focal Vestia N  3

Boxe de podea Focal Vestia N 3

Sound details The Slatefiber cone Exclusive to Focal and made in France, Slatefiber technology involves the use of recycled, non-woven carbon fibres applied as a filling sandwiched between two layers of thermoplastic polymer. In their quest for perfection, Focal engineers have opted to use non-woven carbon fibres and to arrange them in the same direction to achieve even greater rigidity, better damping but also lightness - the three essentials of a great speaker driver. Outstanding treble The M -sh

Standuri Focal Vestia N  1 Stand

Standuri Focal Vestia N 1 Stand

Cu o inaltime de 55 cm, suporturile Vestia N 1 sunt proiectate special pentru a ridica si a imbunatati difuzoarele de inalta fidelitate Vestia N 1. Difuzorul este fixat pe suport cu ajutorul unui sistem de suruburi care garanteaza stabilitatea sistemului. In plus, suporturile sunt inclinate pentru Time Alignment, ceea ce ofera un sunet optim, mai concentrat pe ascultator.

Stand boxa centru Focal Theva Center Stand

Stand boxa centru Focal Theva Center Stand

Stand dedicat pentru Theva si Vestia Center Difuzorul este fixat pe baza pentru a preveni vibratiile si a asigura o stabilitate optima Spike-uri si picioare incluse Design in armonie cu intreaga linie Theva si Vestia

Stand Focal Vestia Center Stand

Stand Focal Vestia Center Stand

Suportul Vestia Center a fost proiectat special pentru a ridica si a prezenta acest difuzor Home Cinema central. Difuzorul este fixat de baza folosind un sistem cu suruburi care garanteaza stabilitatea produsului si previne orice vibratie, pentru si mai multa placere de ascultare.

Boxe de raft Focal Vestia N  1

Boxe de raft Focal Vestia N 1

Sound details The Slatefiber cone Slatefiber technology, exclusive to Focal, involves the use of recycled, non-woven carbon fibres applied as a sandwich between two layers of thermoplastic polymer. In their quest for perfection, Focal engineers have opted to use non-woven carbon fibres, all pointing in the same direction to achieve even greater rigidity, better damping but also lightness - the three essentials of a speaker driver. The Slatefiber cone is made in France in the Focal workshops. Outstand

Boxe Focal ARIA EVO X N  2

Boxe Focal ARIA EVO X N 2

Difuzor de podea Aria Evo X N 2 este exemplul perfect al unei boxe de podea cu 3 cai pentru uz casnic. Ofera o experienta muzicala debordand de emotie, datorita caracteristicilor sale exceptionale, incantand entuziastii oricarui gen de muzica. Aceasta este boxa audiofila accesibila prin excelenta. Perfect potrivita pentru incaperi de cel putin 20 m² (215 ft²), cu o distanta de ascultare recomandata de 3 metri (10 picioare).

Boxe Focal ARIA EVO X N  4

Boxe Focal ARIA EVO X N 4

Aria Evo X N 4 reprezinta intoarcerea la difuzoarele autentice. Cu cele doua difuzoare de 8 (21 cm), aceasta boxa de podea va incanta iubitorii de muzica. Acesta este cel mai impunator model din gama si este ideal pentru spatii de cel putin 30 m² (323 ft²), cu o distanta de ascultare recomandata de 3 pana la 5 metri (10 pana la 16 picioare).

Boxa centru Focal Vestia Center

Boxa centru Focal Vestia Center

Sound details The Slatefiber cone Exclusive to Focal and made in France, Slatefiber technology involves the use of recycled, non-woven carbon fibres applied as a filling sandwiched between two layers of thermoplastic polymer. In their quest for perfection, Focal engineers have opted to use non-woven carbon fibres and to arrange them in the same direction to achieve even greater rigidity, better damping but also lightness - the three essentials of a great speaker driver. Outstanding treble The M -sh

Boxe de podea Focal Aria K2 936

Boxe de podea Focal Aria K2 936

K2 POWER CONE With its trademark colour, Focal 39;s aramid fiber sandwich cone is an exclusive from the brand whose impressive long-standing reputation precedes it. Combining the three key factors of a speaker driver (damping, rigidity and lightness), it ensures a pure and precise sound, with no coloration. PREMIUM FINISH To enhance Aria K2 936, the designers have selected one of the finishes from Focal 39;s ultimate Utopia III Evo line: the Ash Grey finish. A unique signature combined with a leather-e

Boxe de podea Focal Aria K2 926

Boxe de podea Focal Aria K2 926

K2 POWER CONE With its trademark colour, Focal 39;s aramid fiber sandwich cone is an exclusive from the brand whose impressive long-standing reputation precedes it. Combining the three key factors of a speaker driver (damping, rigidity and lightness), it ensures a pure and precise sound, with no coloration. A WINNING COMBINATION Aria K2 936 incorporates a combination of Focal technologies for a pure high-fidelity sound. The Focal PowerFlow multi-port system provides more impact. A floor-facing vent de

Boxe Focal ARIA EVO X N  3

Boxe Focal ARIA EVO X N 3

Difuzor de podea Aria Evo X N 3 este un difuzor cu 3 cai care ofera un design elegant cu o amprenta modesta. Raspunsul sau sonor extrem de liniar si caracteristicile dinamice impresionante - rezultatul celor 3 difuzoare de bas - il fac sa fie alegerea evidenta pentru ascultarea stereo de tip monitorizare. Este, de asemenea, completarea ideala a oricarui sistem home cinema spectaculos. Acest difuzor este potrivit pentru incaperi cu o suprafata de 25 m² (269 ft²), cu o distanta de ascultare recomandata de

Boxe Focal Kanta N2

Boxe Focal Kanta N2

Brandul francez Focal vine in intampinarea audiofililor cu mult asteptatele boxe Kanta No 2. Complet noi ca si conceptie, boxele Focal Kanta sunt disponibile pe o larga paleta de culori, in finisaj piano. Cei trei ani necesari inginerilor de la Focal pentru realizarea acestor boxe se justifica din plin, avand in vedere caracteristicile tehnice impresionante, precum si designul cu totul inovator. Kanta No 2 au o constructie pe 3 cai, Bass-Reflex-ul fiind orientat in fata. Tweeter-ul inversat are deja cel



Difuzor central Aria Evo X Center este o boxa centrala cu 2 cai. Se imbina perfect cu boxele de podea din aceeasi gama, pentru o configuratie optima de home cinema. La proiectarea difuzorului central, s-a acordat o atentie deosebita ajustarii timbrelor pentru a garanta uniformitatea si coerenta sonora in toate configuratiile. Este recomandata pentru incaperi cu o suprafata de 20 m² (215 ft²), cu o distanta de ascultare de 3 metri (10 picioare).
