Cablu audio 2XLR - 2XLR AudioQuest Earth, DBS 72V inclus

Cablu audio 2XLR - 2XLR AudioQuest Earth, DBS 72V inclus

Consider this simple fact: Even the smallest flowers crack concrete. It s enough to make one wonder what might happen if the Earth were freed from humankind s influence and simply left to its own devices to regenerate, blossom, and grow wild. What wonders might spring from its soil? Scientists speculate that it would take only a century or two to wipe away the plants, crops, and animal species so carefully fashioned by humankind s industrious hand. In a few thousand years, the world might look exactly as it did before humanity came along: a wilderness. Take, for instance, New York City, considered by many the greatest city on Earth. Without humankind s interference, the repeated thawing and freezing of spring and winter would, within a decade, shatter the city s cement skin, allowing water to seep deep into the fertile ground below. Cracks would widen, deepen, and provide the soil from which exotic plant species, such as New York s prolific Chinese ailanthus tree, would grow. Within as little as five years, ailanthus roots would heave up the sidewalks and course through the sewers, while native Virginia creeper and poison ivy would adorn the city s skyscrapers. Within two decades, the water-soaked steel columns that support the street above the city s vast subway tunnels would give way, quickly transforming Lexington Avenue into a mighty river. Coyotes would find shelter in Central Park, to be soon followed by deer, bears, and wolves. Large oak trees would cover the land, while hawks and falcons would soar through the skies. But let s not forget: We are also a product of Earth s rich soil, sharing even the most majestic creature s ability to strengthen, diversify, and cultivate the land; to create a world fi t for work and play, where we can share happiness and nurture life. Indeed, Earth is a reservoir of such life, a treasure chest overflowing with the elements the rocks, metals, clay, and other ingredients with which we build our villages and cities, our most modest shelters and most breathtaking monuments: the skyscrapers that part the highest clouds, tunnels that connect the farthest lands, and bridges that cross the widest rivers. That the smallest flower can display as much strength as the tallest skyscraper is not an indictment against humanity. Instead, it is a testament to humankind s vast potential: to engineer a beauty rivaled only by Earth s natural magnificence. FEATURES: SOLID PERFECT-SURFACE COPPER+ (PSC+) CONDUCTORS Solid conductors prevent both electrical and magnetic interaction strand-to-strand interaction, major sources of distortion. Surface quality is critical because a conductor can be considered as a rail-guide for both the fields within a conductor, and for the magnetic fields that extend outside the conductor. The astonishingly smooth and pure surface of all AudioQuests s Perfect-Surface metals nearly eliminates harshness and greatly increases clarity compared to lesser materials. Extremely high-purity Perfect-Surface Copper+ further minimizes distortion caused by grain boundaries, which exist within any metal conductor, nearly eliminating harshness and greatly increasing clarity compared to OFHC, OCC, 8N and other coppers. FEP AIR-TUBE INSULATION (FEP IS A FLUORO-POLYMER) Any solid material adjacent to a conductor is actually part of an imperfect circuit. Wire insulation and circuit board materials all absorb energy (loss). Some of this energy is stored and then later released as distortion. Air, however, absorbs next to no energy, and FEP is the best extrudable solid insulation, absorbing less energy than other materials. The use of FEP Air-Tube insulation, with almost nothing but air around the solid conductors, improves the sound of an audio system 39;s focus and dynamics. TRIPLE-BALANCED GEOMETRY (SEPARATE GROUND-REFERENCE CONDUCTOR) Our Triple-Balanced Geometry uses a separate ground-reference conductor, so the cable 39;s shield is never used as an inferior conductor. Whether prepared with RCA or XLR plugs, the cable 39;s three conductors ensure that the positive and negative sig

Mufa F pentru cablu coaxial Audioquest ITC-18G F, cod 68-009-53

Mufa F pentru cablu coaxial Audioquest ITC-18G F, cod 68-009-53

Conector F: Utilizati cu orice cablu coaxial AudioQuest HD6 (18 AWG). Conectorii brevetati AudioQuest fara instrumente instant (ITC) ofera o metoda simpla pentru atasarea in siguranta a conectorilor metalici solidi la multe tipuri de cablu coaxial compatibil.

Cablu interconect XLR AudioQuest Thunderbird, Level 6 noise Dissipation with Graphene, Solid PSC+, Dual DBS X Level

Cablu interconect XLR AudioQuest Thunderbird, Level 6 noise Dissipation with Graphene, Solid PSC+, Dual DBS X Level

img alt src https: domains files files descriere-cablu-rca-thunderbird-audioquest-1-7653.jpg img alt src https: domains files files descriere-cablu-rca-thunderbird-audioquest-3-1-7280.jpg style width: 900px; height: 74px; img alt src https: domains files files descriere-cablu-xlr-thunderbird-audioquest-1-4111.jpg style width: 900px; height: 1023px; br img alt src https: www.

Cablu interconect XLR AudioQuest Firebird, Level 6 noise Dissipation with Graphene, Solid PSS, Dual DBS X

Cablu interconect XLR AudioQuest Firebird, Level 6 noise Dissipation with Graphene, Solid PSS, Dual DBS X

img alt src https: domains files files descriere-cablu-rca-thunderbird-audioquest-1-7653.jpg style width: 900px; height: 339px; img alt src https: domains files files descriere-cablu-rca-firebird-audioquest-1-1-8562.jpg style width: 900px; height: 66px; img alt src https: domains files files descriere-cablu-xlr-firebird-audioquest-1-8174.jpg style width: 744px; height: 778px; br

Cablu interconect RCA AudioQuest DRAGON, Level 7 noise Dissipation with Graphene, Solid PSS+, DBS X Level

Cablu interconect RCA AudioQuest DRAGON, Level 7 noise Dissipation with Graphene, Solid PSS+, DBS X Level

img alt src https: domains files files descriere-cablu-rca-thunderbird-audioquest-1-7653.jpg img alt src https: domains files files descriere-cablu-rca-dragon-audioquest-1-7933.jpg style width: 900px; height: 503px; br img alt src https: domains files files descriere-cablu-rca-dragon-audioquest-1-1-7263.jpg style width: 609px; height: 784px; img alt src https:

Cablu interconect XLR AudioQuest DRAGON, Level 7 noise Dissipation with Graphene, Solid PSS+, DBS X Level

Cablu interconect XLR AudioQuest DRAGON, Level 7 noise Dissipation with Graphene, Solid PSS+, DBS X Level

img alt src https: domains files files descriere-cablu-rca-thunderbird-audioquest-1-7653.jpg img alt src https: domains files files descriere-cablu-rca-dragon-audioquest-1-7933.jpg style width: 900px; height: 503px; br img alt src https: domains files files descriere-cablu-rca-dragon-audioquest-1-1-7263.jpg style width: 609px; height: 784px; img alt src https:

Cablu interconect RCA AudioQuest Firebird, Level 6 noise Dissipation with Graphene, Solid PSS, DBS X Level

Cablu interconect RCA AudioQuest Firebird, Level 6 noise Dissipation with Graphene, Solid PSS, DBS X Level

img alt src https: domains files files descriere-cablu-rca-thunderbird-audioquest-1-7653.jpg style width: 900px; height: 339px; img alt src https: domains files files descriere-cablu-rca-firebird-audioquest-1-1-8562.jpg style width: 900px; height: 66px; img alt src https: domains files files descriere-cablu-rca-firebird-audioquest-3-1-8481.jpg style width: 900px; height: 1077px; br

Cablu interconect RCA AudioQuest Thunderbird, Level 6 noise Dissipation with Graphene, Solid PSC+, DBS X Level

Cablu interconect RCA AudioQuest Thunderbird, Level 6 noise Dissipation with Graphene, Solid PSC+, DBS X Level

img alt class img-responsive src https: domains files files descriere-cablu-rca-thunderbird-audioquest-1-7653.jpg img alt class img-responsive src https: domains files files descriere-cablu-rca-thunderbird-audioquest-3-1-7280.jpg style width: 900px; height: 74px; img alt class img-responsive src https: domains files files descriere-cablu-rca-thunderbird-audioquest-2-1-5022.jpg style

Mufa Coax M pentru cablu coaxial Audioquest ITC-18G EU, cod 68-013-53

Mufa Coax M pentru cablu coaxial Audioquest ITC-18G EU, cod 68-013-53

Acest conector coaxial poate fi utilizat cu majoritatea dimensiunilor 18 AWG RG-6 cabluri coaxiale cu diametrul exterior intre 6,0 mm si 7,2 mm. Conectorii brevetati AudioQuest fara instrumente instant (ITC) ofera o metoda simpla pentru atasarea in siguranta a conectorilor metalici solidi la multe tipuri de cablu coaxial compatibil.

Mufa Coax F pentru cablu coaxial Audioquest ITC-18G EU, cod 68-012-53

Mufa Coax F pentru cablu coaxial Audioquest ITC-18G EU, cod 68-012-53

Acest conector coaxial poate fi utilizat cu majoritatea dimensiunilor 18 AWG RG-6cabluri coaxiale cu diametrul exterior intre 6,0 mm si 7,2 mm. Conectorii brevetati AudioQuest fara instrumente instant (ITC) ofera o metoda simpla pentru atasarea in siguranta a conectorilor metalici solidi la multe tipuri de cablu coaxial compatibil.

Cablu audio 2XLR - 2XLR AudioQuest Pegasus, Level 6 noise Dissipation with Graphene, Solid PSC+

Cablu audio 2XLR - 2XLR AudioQuest Pegasus, Level 6 noise Dissipation with Graphene, Solid PSC+

Caii mitici de la AudioQuest, Black Beauty si Pegasus, aduc avantajele dovedite ale tehnologiei ZERO-Tech la un public mult mai larg. Majoritatea avantajelor sonice incantator de evidente ale ZERO-Tech si ale celorlalte rafinamente care permit Creaturile Mitica (ThunderBird, FireBird si Dragon) sunt la fel de evidente atunci cand se asculta prin intermediul Cailor Mitica. Pentru a pastra flexibilitatea constructiei foarte complicate, Mythicals superioare au doua sau trei constructii separate vizibile di

Cablu audio 2XLR - 2XLR AudioQuest MacKenzie

Cablu audio 2XLR - 2XLR AudioQuest MacKenzie

CONDUCTORI CUPRU SOLID CU SUPRAFATA PERFECTA+ (PSC +) : Conductoarele solide impiedica interactiunea electrica si cea magnetica dintre interactiunea firelor din cablul litat, sursa majore de denaturare. Calitatea suprafetei este critica, deoarece un conductor poate fi considerat ca un ghidaj atat pentru campurile dintr-un conductor, cat si pentru campurile magnetice care se extind in afara conductorului. Suprafata extrem de neteda si pura a tuturor metalelor Perfect-Surface AudioQuests elimina aproape d

Filtru RF pentru cabluri Audioquest DBS Level X Upgrade Kit

Filtru RF pentru cabluri Audioquest DBS Level X Upgrade Kit

AudioQuest DBS Level X este succesorul Carbon DBS. Din punct de vedere tehnic si design sunt la fel, cu acelasi frumos finisaj negru lucios. AudioQuest DBS Level X are o retea de filtrare pentru a preveni RFI si EMI. Aceasta retea nu a fost utilizata in sistemul DBS original. DBS Level X contine un filtru RF dezvoltat pentru produsele de alimentare AudioQuest Niagara, care filtreaza zgomotul de frecventa radio de la conductorii de semnal. AudioQuest DBS Level X ofera o reductie de zgomot exceptionala. U

Adaptor 3.5mm la mini Toslink AudioQuest

Adaptor 3.5mm la mini Toslink AudioQuest

Pentru utilizare cu computere si dispozitive portabile. Daca aveti deja un cablu Toslink de dimensiune standard (ambele capete), atunci adaptorul Toslink de 3,5 mm este solutia perfecta atunci cand un computer accepta si iesirea optica digitala. Adaptorul permite o trecere de la achizitionarea conectorului standard Toslink la dimensiunea de 3,5 mm gasita astazi pe multe computere laptop.

Adaptor RCA mama la BNC Audioquest RCA2BNC-S

Adaptor RCA mama la BNC Audioquest RCA2BNC-S

Adaptorul BNC tata la RCA mama permite conectarea unui cablu RCA la o intrare sau iesire care necesita o conexiune BNC Permite conexiunea unui cablu RCA la o intrare sau o iesire care necesita o conexiune BNC Finisaj aurit

Adaptor AudioQuest USB 3.0 tip A la C

Adaptor AudioQuest USB 3.0 tip A la C

- Suporta USB 2.0 si USB 3.0 - Conecteaza dispozitive de tip C la cabluri USB de tip A - Permite incarcarea si transferul de date (sincronizare)
