Casti Hi-Fi Focal Clear Mg

Casti Hi-Fi Focal Clear Mg

Clear MG livreaza performante sonore uimitoare si caracteristici de design sofisticate. Fabricate in Franta, aceste casti de top incorporeaza tehnologiile exclusive Focal, in urma cercetarilor intensive. Difuzoarele sunt alcatuite dintr-un con unic din magneziu, un material ce ofera o redare precisa, conturata, de impact ce are ca rezultat un sunet plin de viata. Finisajul elegant al castilor Clear Mg este de asemenea unic cu un design castaniu din aliaj, alaturi de cel mai bun confort oferit de banda de cap din piele si de cupele din microfibre. Furnizate cu doua cabluri si o carcasa de transport, aceste casti ofera tot ceea ce aveti nevoie pentru a va bucure de un sunet incredibil intr-un mediu linistit. Confort Sasiul din aluminiu se muleaza perfect in timp ce banda de cap din piele si microfibre urmeaza o curba uniforma, indiferent de circumferinta capului. Ear pad-urile perforate din microfibre joaca un rol important in materie de confort in timp ce contribuie la un sunet deschis. Acest sunet deschis este imbunatatit si de design-ul de tip fagure. Inovatii dedicate sunetului Dupa patru ani de cercetare si dezvoltare, inginerii Focal au conceput un dom din magneziu pentru driverele Clear Mg. Alaturi de un dom-ul cu profil M , acest material ofera o masa si mai redusa, rigiditate si amortizare sporite. Aceasta inovatie ofera dinamica si detaliu sporite pe intregul spectru de sunet in timp ce mentine o semnatura neutra si echilibrata. Grila cu forma M din interiorul cupei urmeaza curba driver-ului pentru o precizie sporita. Materiale premium Aluminiu solid, piele veritabila, microfibre: materialele premium alese pentru Clear Mg ce reprezinta un indice clar al calitati, dar ofera si o nota eleganta, cu forma de tip fagure de pe grila exterioara a cuperlor alaturi de finisajul castaniu si aliajele utilizate.

Casti over ear deschise Focal Elear

Casti over ear deschise Focal Elear

Design acustic de exceptie Prin geometria bine conceputa, headbandul se aseaza perfect pe cap, asigurand o asezare optima si confort pentru utilizarea indelungata. Garantam astfel cele mai bune conditii de ascultare indiferent de utilizator. Difuzor cu diafragma M - dome Elear sunt primele casti cu difuzoare full range deschise din aluminiu magneziu, inspirate de castile noastre flagship Utopia pentru un sunet extrem de dinamic si transparent. Conort optim Cupe din spuma cu memorie acoperite cu

Boxe surround Focal Theva Surround

Boxe surround Focal Theva Surround

THE SLATEFIBER CONE Detailed sound Exclusive to Focal and made in France, the Slatefiber cone is made from recycled carbon fibres applied as a filling sandwiched between two layers of thermoplastic polymer. In their quest for perfection, our engineers have opted to use non-woven carbon fibres, all pointing in the same direction to achieve greater rigidity, better damping and lightness - the essentials of a great speaker driver. Renowned for reproducing a rich, dynamic and balanced sound, this exclusi

Casti Hi-Fi Focal Stellia

Casti Hi-Fi Focal Stellia

Pachet premium Nu se lasa nimic la voia intamplarii; toate componentele sunt premium de la cutia de transport la husa, cabluri si ambalaj. Fiecare detaliu a fost construit pentru optimizarea sunetului fara a sacrifica designul. Difuzor cu diafragma M - dome Beryllium Diafragma in forma de M-dom din beriliu, bobina de cupru 100% fara suport si noul surround sunt tehnologii care ofera o dinamica exceptionala si contribuie la reproducerea celor mai fine micro-detalii ale sunetului in tot spectrul de frecv

Casti Sennheiser TV Clear Set

Casti Sennheiser TV Clear Set

Casti Sennheiser TV Clear Set Bucurati-va de un sunet TV foarte clar la volumul dorit cu ajutorul castilor usoare True Wireless. Beneficiati de 5 niveluri de Speech Clarity, Ambient Awarness si de o potrivire foarte confortabila. Advanced Speech Clarity Ambient Awarness Potrivire confortabila pentru sesiunile lungi Suent clar Cu tehnologia Sennheiser Speech Clarity, este usor sa intelegeti dialogul filmelor TV. Ramaneti constient de imprejurimi Utilizati tehnologia Ambient Awarness pentru a auzi c

Stand boxa centru Focal Viva Utopia  Colour Evo

Stand boxa centru Focal Viva Utopia Colour Evo

Stand dedicat pentru boxa centrala Focal Viva Center Utopia Colour Evo

Boxa centru Focal Vestia Center

Boxa centru Focal Vestia Center

Sound details The Slatefiber cone Exclusive to Focal and made in France, Slatefiber technology involves the use of recycled, non-woven carbon fibres applied as a filling sandwiched between two layers of thermoplastic polymer. In their quest for perfection, Focal engineers have opted to use non-woven carbon fibres and to arrange them in the same direction to achieve even greater rigidity, better damping but also lightness - the three essentials of a great speaker driver. Outstanding treble The M -sh

Boxe de podea Focal Aria K2 936

Boxe de podea Focal Aria K2 936

K2 POWER CONE With its trademark colour, Focal 39;s aramid fiber sandwich cone is an exclusive from the brand whose impressive long-standing reputation precedes it. Combining the three key factors of a speaker driver (damping, rigidity and lightness), it ensures a pure and precise sound, with no coloration. PREMIUM FINISH To enhance Aria K2 936, the designers have selected one of the finishes from Focal 39;s ultimate Utopia III Evo line: the Ash Grey finish. A unique signature combined with a leather-e

Boxe de podea Focal Aria K2 926

Boxe de podea Focal Aria K2 926

K2 POWER CONE With its trademark colour, Focal 39;s aramid fiber sandwich cone is an exclusive from the brand whose impressive long-standing reputation precedes it. Combining the three key factors of a speaker driver (damping, rigidity and lightness), it ensures a pure and precise sound, with no coloration. A WINNING COMBINATION Aria K2 936 incorporates a combination of Focal technologies for a pure high-fidelity sound. The Focal PowerFlow multi-port system provides more impact. A floor-facing vent de

Boxe de raft Focal Vestia N  1

Boxe de raft Focal Vestia N 1

Sound details The Slatefiber cone Slatefiber technology, exclusive to Focal, involves the use of recycled, non-woven carbon fibres applied as a sandwich between two layers of thermoplastic polymer. In their quest for perfection, Focal engineers have opted to use non-woven carbon fibres, all pointing in the same direction to achieve even greater rigidity, better damping but also lightness - the three essentials of a speaker driver. The Slatefiber cone is made in France in the Focal workshops. Outstand

Boxe de podea Focal Vestia N  4

Boxe de podea Focal Vestia N 4

Sound details The Slatefiber cone Slatefiber technology, exclusive to Focal, involves the use of recycled, non-woven carbon fibres applied as a sandwich between two layers of thermoplastic polymer. In their quest for perfection, Focal engineers have opted to use non-woven carbon fibres, all pointing in the same direction to achieve even greater rigidity, better damping but also lightness - the three essentials of a speaker driver. The Slatefiber cone is made in France in the Focal workshops. Outstand

Boxe de podea Focal Theva N  2

Boxe de podea Focal Theva N 2

REFINED LOUDSPEAKERS Sophisticated finishes Available in sleek and elegant Black, Dark Wood, and Light Wood finishes. The wood effect on the side panels lends a warm feel. The line is at home in both classic and modern interiors, combining beautifully with different styles of furniture and other materials such as metal, concrete, stone, and more. The black finish offers a timeless, sophisticated tone, bringing charm and character to any room. The enclosures have been revamped and are even more compact,

Boxe de podea Focal Theva N  3

Boxe de podea Focal Theva N 3

REFINED LOUDSPEAKERS Sophisticated finishes Available in sleek and elegant Black, Dark Wood, and Light Wood finishes. The wood effect on the side panels lends a warm feel. The line is at home in both classic and modern interiors, combining beautifully with different styles of furniture and other materials such as metal, concrete, stone, and more. The black finish offers a timeless, sophisticated tone, bringing charm and character to any room. The enclosures have been revamped and are even more compact,

Boxe de raft Focal Theva N  1

Boxe de raft Focal Theva N 1

REFINED LOUDSPEAKERS Sophisticated finishes Available in sleek and elegant Black, Dark Wood, and Light Wood finishes. The wood effect on the side panels lends a warm feel. The line is at home in both classic and modern interiors, combining beautifully with different styles of furniture and other materials such as metal, concrete, stone, and more. The black finish offers a timeless, sophisticated tone, bringing charm and character to any room. The enclosures have been revamped and are even more compact,

Casti Hi-Fi Focal Celestee

Casti Hi-Fi Focal Celestee

Celestee imbina design-ul modern, finisajele luxoase si performantele sonore impresionante. Difuzoarele exclusive Focal garanteaza o dinamica excelenta si o precizie ridicata. Cupele au fost supuse tratamentelor acustice pentru a restrictiona rezonantele si pentru a obtine o calitate audio fara compromis: sunetul este curat, precis cu o extensie buna a basului. O alta caracteristica unica a modelului Celeste este paleta colora Navy Blue si Soft Copper. Castile sunt imbunatatite prin utilizarea materialelo

Boxa centru Focal Theva Center

Boxa centru Focal Theva Center

REFINED LOUDSPEAKERS Sophisticated finishes Available in sleek and elegant Black, Dark Wood, and Light Wood finishes. The wood effect on the side panels lends a warm feel. The line is at home in both classic and modern interiors, combining beautifully with different styles of furniture and other materials such as metal, concrete, stone, and more. The black finish offers a timeless, sophisticated tone, bringing charm and character to any room. The enclosures have been revamped and are even more compact,
