Boxe subwoofere - Boxe de podea

Boxe de podea Focal Vestia N  4

Boxe de podea Focal Vestia N 4

Sound details The Slatefiber cone Slatefiber technology, exclusive to Focal, involves the use of recycled, non-woven carbon fibres applied as a sandwich between two layers of thermoplastic polymer. In their quest for perfection, Focal engineers have opted to use non-woven carbon fibres, all pointing in the same direction to achieve even greater rigidity, better damping but also lightness - the three essentials of a speaker driver. The Slatefiber cone is made in France in the Focal workshops. Outstand

Boxe de podea Focal Vestia N  3

Boxe de podea Focal Vestia N 3

Sound details The Slatefiber cone Exclusive to Focal and made in France, Slatefiber technology involves the use of recycled, non-woven carbon fibres applied as a filling sandwiched between two layers of thermoplastic polymer. In their quest for perfection, Focal engineers have opted to use non-woven carbon fibres and to arrange them in the same direction to achieve even greater rigidity, better damping but also lightness - the three essentials of a great speaker driver. Outstanding treble The M -sh

Boxe de podea Focal Vestia N  2

Boxe de podea Focal Vestia N 2

Sound details The Slatefiber cone Exclusive to Focal and made in France, Slatefiber technology involves the use of recycled, non-woven carbon fibres applied as a filling sandwiched between two layers of thermoplastic polymer. In their quest for perfection, Focal engineers have opted to use non-woven carbon fibres and to arrange them in the same direction to achieve even greater rigidity, better damping but also lightness - the three essentials of a great speaker driver. Outstanding treble The M -sh

Boxe de podea Yamaha NS-F51

Boxe de podea Yamaha NS-F51

High performance floor-standing speaker delivers optimum sound with superior expressiveness for movies and music. The NS-F51 features a two-way, three-speaker configuration consisting of two 16cm (6-1 2 ) cone woofers and one 3cm (1 ) soft dome tweeter. It takes advantage of a 97cm (38-3 8 )-tall, large-capacity cabinet to produce thrilling bass tones, and with a bracing system to suppress cabinet resonance it also produces crystal-clear treble tones. The wooden circuit board in the network circuit demon

Boxe de podea Yamaha NS-777

Boxe de podea Yamaha NS-777

High sensitivity and wide dynamic range for contemporary digital sources Waveguide horn allows the sound field to be shaped and controlled for optimal spatial expression in home theater environments PMD (Polymer-injected Mica Diaphragm) cone woofer combines high-performance materials and design for extreme accuracy Highest quality internal Monster Cable wiring High frequency response dome tweeter delivers clear, natural highs Bi-wiring connectivity Beautiful Yamaha piano finish with elegant elliptic

Boxe de podea Yamaha NS-555

Boxe de podea Yamaha NS-555

High sensitivity and wide dynamic range for contemporary digital sources Waveguide horn allows the sound field to be shaped and controlled for optimal spatial expression in home theater environments PMD (Polymer-injected Mica Diaphragm) cone woofer combines highperformance materials and design for extreme accuracy Highest quality internal Monster Cable wiring High frequency response dome tweeter delivers clear, natural highs Bi-wiring connectivity Beautiful Yamaha piano finish with elegant elliptica

Boxe de podea Focal Theva N  3-D

Boxe de podea Focal Theva N 3-D

DOLBY ATMOS EFFECTS Dolby Atmos is a technology developed specifically for audio products. Dolby Atmos -equipped loudspeakers are enabled speakers : in addition to their speaker drivers in the front panel (horizontal channels), they incorporate a speaker driver on the top (vertical channel) which reflects the sound around the entire listening room. This technology also isolates each sound from the original soundtrack and mix, like an independent audio object, for the most detailed sound reproduction,

Boxe de podea Focal Theva N  3

Boxe de podea Focal Theva N 3

REFINED LOUDSPEAKERS Sophisticated finishes Available in sleek and elegant Black, Dark Wood, and Light Wood finishes. The wood effect on the side panels lends a warm feel. The line is at home in both classic and modern interiors, combining beautifully with different styles of furniture and other materials such as metal, concrete, stone, and more. The black finish offers a timeless, sophisticated tone, bringing charm and character to any room. The enclosures have been revamped and are even more compact,

Boxe de podea Focal Theva N  2

Boxe de podea Focal Theva N 2

REFINED LOUDSPEAKERS Sophisticated finishes Available in sleek and elegant Black, Dark Wood, and Light Wood finishes. The wood effect on the side panels lends a warm feel. The line is at home in both classic and modern interiors, combining beautifully with different styles of furniture and other materials such as metal, concrete, stone, and more. The black finish offers a timeless, sophisticated tone, bringing charm and character to any room. The enclosures have been revamped and are even more compact,

Boxe Focal Sopra No 2

Boxe Focal Sopra No 2

Sopra N 2 este noul simbol al boxelor premium de astazi. Combina perfect dinamica, optimizarea spatiului si bogatia armonica. Sopra N 2 inaugureaza in mod clar o noua era pentru Premium High End , luand in considerare noile criterii de performanta. Compact, modern, un design pur, caracter... toate acestea sunt factori esentiali pentru a asigura o integrare perfecta in interiorul tau. Echipat cu cele mai bune drivere midrange dezvoltate vreodata de Focal, cu tehnologiile NIC si TMD, Sopra n 2 impinge in

Boxe Magnepan LRS+

Boxe Magnepan LRS+

Va prezentam Magnepan LRS+ - difuzorul Quasi-Ribbon care stabileste standardele de calitate audio de inalta definitie. Aceasta boxa eleganta si eleganta utilizeaza o panglica din aluminiu ultrausoara pentru a misca aerul si a produce unde sonore, oferind un raspuns rapid si precis la semnalele electrice de la amplificatorul dumneavoastra. LRS+ a primit recenzii elogioase, Jonathan Valin de la premiul Golden Ear Award 2022 numindu-l cea mai buna achizitie la un difuzor accesibil pentru incaperi de dimen

Boxe Magnepan .7

Boxe Magnepan .7

Modelul .7, un favorit al companiei Magnepan, sunt niste boxe de referinta pentru cei care cauta un sunet de clasa mondiala la un pret rezonabil. In cateva minute, mi-am dat seama ca modelul Magnepan .7 se poate compara cu cele mai bune difuzoare din toate timpurile si ca urma sa ma duca sa ascult muzica intr-un loc unde nu mai ajunsese niciodata. Iar pentru mine, cel mai bun lucru despre adevarurile muzicale este ca nu se schimba niciodata si nu se demodeaza. Herb Reichert, revista Stereophile,


Boxe Magnepan 3.7i

Modelul 3.7i este primul model din gama noastra de boxe de podea care incorporeaza faimosul nostru tweeter cu panglica, impreuna cu driverele de bass si de mijloc cvasi-cuvinte. Dupa cum spune Jonathan Valin, Maggie 39;s 3.7i planar cu trei cai, true-ribbon quasi-ribbon planar, rezolva cu succes trei probleme care au afectat mult timp Maggie-urile true-ribbon : integrarea perfecta a panglicii; pastrarea detaliilor si a gamei dinamice la niveluri de volum relativ scazute; si reducerea granulatiei

Magnepan 20.7

Magnepan 20.7

Capacitatea magica a acestor boxe de a transporta ascultatorii intr-un spatiu si timp diferit si de a recrea in mod realist (cu o amploare si dimensiuni reale) sunetul instrumentelor acustice si al locului in care au fost inregistrate este extraordinara. Aproape ca este de la sine inteles (din moment ce acestea sunt Magnepans), dar 20.7s sunt, de asemenea, valori incredibil de bune, desi va trebui sa aduceti multa putere la aceasta petrecere, si veti avea nevoie de o buna parte din spatiu pentru a gazdui

Magnepan 30.7

Magnepan 30.7

Acest difuzoare gigant, cu patru panouri (doua panouri pe fiecare parte), cu patru cai, cu banda cuartea si sursa de linie de la Magnepan este cel mai bun Maggie pe care JV (Jonathan Valin - sunetul absolut) l-a auzit, ceea ce echivaleaza cu a spune ca este cel mai bun planar pe care JV l-a auzit vreodata (si chiar langa cele mai bune dinamice de sase cifre pe care JV le-a auzit). Cu o lansare a undelor extrem de coerenta, o imagine libera, o scena sonora vasta, o rezolutie fenomenala a detaliilor interi
