
Phono Stage Naim StageLine MM

Phono Stage Naim StageLine MM

Poate ca nu construim o placa turnanta, dar avem zeci de ani de experienta in a profita la maximum de magia neagra oferita de LP-ul de vinil. Fonostagiul nostru StageLine, disponibil in versiunile cu bobina mobila sau cu magnet mobil, poate fi alimentat doar de la amplificatorul nostru NAIT XS 2 sau prin intermediul propriei surse de alimentare dedicate, cum ar fi un FlatCap XS. Indiferent de modul in care il conectati si configurati, puteti fi siguri de muzicalitatea desavarsita atat de fundamentala pent

Naim 555 PS DR Classic

Naim 555 PS DR Classic

Naim - Muzicalitate la superlativ Fiecare produs Naim este conceput, proiectat si realizat pentru a oferi cel mai bun sunet, dezvaluind o experienta muzicala pura extrem de aproapiata de sursa originala live. Credem ca explorarea sunetului este o aventura care va rasplateste cu o conexiune ce devine cu atat mai puternica cu cat va deplasati mai departe in substraturile muzicii. Din acest motiv, fiecare element din sistemele noastre este creat pentru a obtine o bariera de liniste absoluta in jurul sunetu

Naim 555 PS DR pentru ND555

Naim 555 PS DR pentru ND555

Naim - Muzicalitate la superlativ Fiecare produs Naim este conceput, proiectat si realizat pentru a oferi cel mai bun sunet, dezvaluind o experienta muzicala pura extrem de aproapiata de sursa originala live. Credem ca explorarea sunetului este o aventura care va rasplateste cu o conexiune ce devine cu atat mai puternica cu cat va deplasati mai departe in substraturile muzicii. Din acest motiv, fiecare element din sistemele noastre este creat pentru a obtine o bariera de liniste absoluta in jurul sunetu

Streamer si DAC Naim NDX2

Streamer si DAC Naim NDX2

Naim - Muzicalitate la superlativ Fiecare produs Naim este conceput, proiectat si realizat pentru a oferi cel mai bun sunet, dezvaluind o experienta muzicala pura extrem de aproapiata de sursa originala live. Credem ca explorarea sunetului este o aventura care va rasplateste cu o conexiune ce devine cu atat mai puternica cu cat va deplasati mai departe in substraturile muzicii. Din acest motiv, fiecare element din sistemele noastre este creat pentru a obtine o bariera de liniste absoluta in jurul sunetu

Amplificator de putere Naim NAP 350

Amplificator de putere Naim NAP 350

Naim know-how Under the guidance of our Technical Director, our engineers have developed specific circuits, combined with our acclaimed and high-performing DR technology, guaranteeing the stable and fluid power supply so essential for superior performance. The best audiophile components, such as the NA009 transistors from the Statement system, a new current source as well as polystyrene capacitors for low dielectric absorption have been chosen to heighten the quality of the NAP 350. Perfect integration

Streamer Naim NSS 333

Streamer Naim NSS 333

Perfect control The intuitive Focal Naim app allows you to control your NSS 333 easily. You can access all your music, including your favourite radio stations, playlists and streaming services or explore artist biographies and discographies. Moreover, you can update your system wirelessly. It also allows you to control both servers and Naim streaming products, eliminating the need to manage two separate apps. Naim know-how Under the leadership of our Technical Director, our engineers have developed

Preamplificator Naim NAC 332

Preamplificator Naim NAC 332

Naim know-how Under the leadership of our Technical Director, our engineers have developed specific electronic circuits to give the New Classic products superior performance. The best components have been chosen for NAC 332 and are mounted on printed circuit boards with metallic holes for increased quality. The architecture of the Statement volume knob has been used. Added to this are a high-performance transistor and balanced outputs that preserve sound quality over long distances and allow rack instal

Sursa de alimentare Naim NPX TT

Sursa de alimentare Naim NPX TT

Naim know-how Under the leadership of our Technical Director, our engineers have developed specific electronic circuits to give the New Classic products superior performance. The best audiophile components have been chosen and highly precise measurements to achieve an uncompromising result. Paired with the NVC TT, NPX TT provides even cleaner power to enhance the sound. A timeless design Naim products are designed to be both contemporary and timeless. Our creations forgo any unnecessary adornments th

Preamplificator Phono Naim NVC TT

Preamplificator Phono Naim NVC TT

Naim know-how Under the leadership of our Technical Director, our engineers have developed specific electronic circuits to give the New Classic products superior performance. The best audiophile components have been chosen for NVC TT and highly precise measurements to achieve an uncompromising result. It is an innovative concept, which partly uses the association between the phono stage and the power supply like in Naim s Solstice Special Edition. Perfect integration in a complete system NVC TT conne

Pickup Naim Solstice Special Edition

Pickup Naim Solstice Special Edition

Editia speciala Solstice Limitata la doar 500 de unitati, aceasta editie speciala include pickup-ul Solstice, o versiune de generatie urmatoare a bratului emblematic Naim Aro, o doza Equinox MC, Phono Stage Solstice Series, sursa de alimentare si set de accesorii. Pickup-ul Solstice imbina filosofiile cheie de design Naim, precum multiplele niveluri de decuplare mecanica, cu o celebrare a materialelor minunate. Dispune de un rulment magnetic ce suporta un platan cu masa ridicata, polisat, cu un sistem mo

Preamplificator Naim NAC S1

Preamplificator Naim NAC S1

Origins The idea for an entirely new kind of amplifier was first conceived by our engineers over a decade ago and development began in earnest in 2011. The objective was to set a new reference standard in high-end audio and music reproduction. The result is Statement. Three years of relentless questioning, iterative design and a point blank refusal to accept no as an answer. Performance First Engineering Product engineers often begin with what exists already. They might ask how something can work bett

Amplificator de putere Naim NAP S1 L

Amplificator de putere Naim NAP S1 L

Origins The idea for an entirely new kind of amplifier was first conceived by our engineers over a decade ago and development began in earnest in 2011. The objective was to set a new reference standard in high-end audio and music reproduction. The result is Statement. Three years of relentless questioning, iterative design and a point blank refusal to accept no as an answer. Performance First Engineering Product engineers often begin with what exists already. They might ask how something can work bett

Amplificator de putere Naim NAP S1 R

Amplificator de putere Naim NAP S1 R

Origins The idea for an entirely new kind of amplifier was first conceived by our engineers over a decade ago and development began in earnest in 2011. The objective was to set a new reference standard in high-end audio and music reproduction. The result is Statement. Three years of relentless questioning, iterative design and a point blank refusal to accept no as an answer. Performance First Engineering Product engineers often begin with what exists already. They might ask how something can work bett
