Magazinul fast food ofera diverse sortimente de mancare: pulpita de pui, carnati, burger, cartofi, deserturi. Contine si accesorii de servire, precum: pahar de suc cu pai, lingura, furculita, cutit, cleste pentru gratar, 2 cornete cu inghetata, ambalaje de carton pentru burger. Prin jocurile de rol, dezvolta abilitatea copilului de a comunica, de a crea sortimente diferite de mancare, precum si de a lucra cu banii. Recomandat copiilor peste 3 ani.
Part of the Macmillan Collector, s Library; a series of stunning pocket size classics. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition is edited and introduced by food historian, lecturer and broadcaster Annie Gray. From ancient times to today, s celebrity chefs, people have always been inspired to write about food. In this delectable collection, Food for Thought , food historian Annie Gray has chosen an array of material to entertain and inspire. The variety is i
Puzzle 24 piese, Food, 25x17.5 cm Aceasta jucarie ajuta la stimularea atentiei, a motricitatii fine, a asocierii logice si a coordonarii mana ochi. Nerabdarea pentru a descoperi in intregime peisajul final ii va impulsiona pe cei mici sa duca la capat un proiect. Varsta recomandata: + 3 ani Atentie! Jucaria produsul poate contine piese mici care se pot inghiti sau inhala existand pericolul de sufocare sau nu este potrivita copiilor mai mici de 3 ani. Nu lasati ambalajele jucariilor produselor la inde
Explore the deliciously different flavours of wild food, from bilberries and nettles to hazelnuts and damsons - all of which are free for the picking. Learn how to use a range of wild foods creatively in over 100 easy recipes, ranging from jams, jellies and chutneys to starters, main courses, cakes, puds, cocktails and cordials.
Set near the Italian border in Slovenia s remote Soča valley, in the foothills of mountains and beside a turquoise river full of trout, Ana Ros tells the story of her life. Through essays, recollections, recipes, and photos, she shares the idyllic landscape that inspires her, the abundant seasonal ingredients from local foragers, the tales of fishing and exploring, and the evolution of her inventive and sophisticated food at Hisa Franko - where she has elevated Slovenian food and become influential in the
MILK STREET FAST SLOW is the first book showing home cooks how to make the most of every application of their handiest appliance, whether they need a quick tomato sauce in just 20 minutes from start to finish, or a slow-braised roast for a celebratory Sunday evening. Along the way, each of the more than 75 recipes is designed to be cooked entirely inside your multi-cooker or Instant Pot, with timings, ingredients, and techniques to cook each dish using either the slow-cooker or the quick-cooking pressure
The trillion-dollar meat industry is one of our greatest environmental hazards; it pollutes more than all the world s fossil-fuel-powered cars. Global animal agriculture is responsible for deforestation, soil erosion and more emissions than air travel, paper mills and coal mining combined. It also depends on the slaughter of more than 60 billion animals per year, a number that is only increasing as the global appetite for meat swells. The whole world seems to be sleepwalking into a food crisis. But a ba
Prosop din poliester Bluey la plaja, fast dry, 140x70cm Instructiuni de intretinere: Se spala la maximum 40 C. Se calca la temperatura medie. Se usuca automat. Nu folositi inalbitori.
Robot de jucarie, transformabil in SUV. Mainile, picioarele si corpul se misca. Inaltime robot: 20 cm. Dimensiuni masina: 18x8 cm
Prosop din poliester Lilo Stitch Valuri fast dry, 140x70cm Instructiuni de intretinere: Se spala la maximum 40 C. Se calca la temperatura medie. Se usuca automat. Nu folositi inalbitori.
Prosop din poliester Disney Lilo Stitch, fast dry, 140x70cm Instructiuni de intretinere: Se spala la maximum 40 C. Se calca la temperatura medie. Se usuca automat. Nu folositi inalbitori.
Prosop din poliester Lilo Stitch Flori fast dry, 140x70cm Instructiuni de intretinere: Se spala la maximum 40 C. Se calca la temperatura medie. Se usuca automat. Nu folositi inalbitori.
Prosop plaja Batman Guardian, 70x140 cm, microfibra, fast dry Se recomanda spalarea la maxim 40 C. A nu se inalbi Compozitie: 100% poliester
Jucarie zornaitoare elefant pentru bebelusi, interactiva si pentru dentitie Acesta jucarie interesanta, confectionata din material rezistent, il va ajuta pe copilul dumneavoastra sa se dezvolte intr-un mod placut.
Prosop plaja poliester Spiderman fast dry, 70x137 cm Se recomanda spalarea la maxim 40 C. A nu se inalbi Compozitie: 100% poliester
Chitara jucarie Paw Patrol cu 4 corzi. Stimuleaza ritmul, atentia si imaginatia. Dimesiuni: 36x15x4 cm